Getting framework resources
The Gateway framework artefacts can be obtained by downloading this zip file.
The zip file contains:
gateway-framework-2.3.0.jar - The Gateway Framework jar.
configuration.json - A sample JSON configuration file containing the framework defined configuration structure.
configSchema.json - JSON schema file for the configuration.
log4j2.xml - A sample log4j configuration file.
supportedPayloadConverterNames.json - A Json file containing a list of issued payload converters in the framework. See here for more details.
java-doc - Java documentation folder for the Framework API
user-guide - Complete user guide of the framework.
Getting dependencies
Before you begin writing gateway applications, you must set-up the required infrastructure as follows.
Using maven
To use maven, follow these steps:
Add the DiffusionData public repository to your
file<repositories> <repository> <id>diffusiondata-repository</id> <url></url> </repository> </repositories>
Declare the following dependency in your
file<dependency> <groupId>com.diffusiondata.gateway</groupId> <artifactId>gateway-framework</artifactId> <version>2.3.0</version> </dependency>
Using gradle
To use gradle, follow these steps:
Add the DiffusionData public repository to your
filerepositories { maven { url "" } }
Declare the following dependency in your
file:compile `com.diffusiondata.gateway:gateway-framework:2.3.0`