Managing Gateway applications

Using the Diffusion Management Console with the Gateway Framework

The Diffusion Management Console (also referred to as console in this document) can be used to manage Gateway applications. All connected applications (and those that have been connected in the past) can be viewed on the console.

All registered and connected Gateway applications appear as Gateway Clients on the console.

In dynamic mode

If the application is running in dynamic mode, the console can be used for:

  • adding new services

  • updating existing services

  • pausing services

  • resuming services

  • removing application configurations

When you add new services or update existing ones, the console renders the configuration, and allows it to be updated. If a service is updated, then it is removed and restarted within the application.

In static mode

If an application is running in static mode,the console can be used for:

  • viewing the application configurations and details on the console.

Managing services and performing operations on them is not permitted.


The principal used to log into the console must have the following permissions:

  • VIEW_SERVER permissions to view connected Gateway applications.

  • CONTROL_SERVER permissions to update and manage them.

Please refer to the Diffusion user documentation for details on setting permissions.

Network / Cluster tab

To view Gateway clients connected to a Diffusion Cluster:

  • On the the Network menu, click the Cluster tab. This displays all Gateway clients connected to each server in a Diffusion Cluster, as shown in the image below:

Figure 1. Console Cluster

Gateway tab

On the Network menu, click the Gateway tab. This displays the list of registered Gateway clients. Select any connected Gateway client to view its detail.


The Global section for a specific Gateway client displays its overall status and configuration.

The Operations section is used to pause all active services, resume all paused services, or shut down the whole application.

Figure 2. Console Gateway Global


From the Service drop-down list, you can:

  • select a different service within the Gateway Application, or

  • add a new one, as shown in the image below.

Figure 3. Console Services-Add

Once you select a service instance, it shows the status of the service and its configuration. In this view, users can update the configuration of the service or remove it.

Use the Service Operations section, to pause the service or to resume the paused service.

When the service is paused via console, its state in configuration will be changed to PAUSED state. Once resumed, it will be changed back to ACTIVE state.
Since every change in configuration is persisted on server; if the application restarts using configuration persisted on server, the services in paused state will still be in paused state.
To update a service, either the full service configuration or only the configuration parameters that need to be updated can be supplied. If a configuration parameter needs to be removed, its value should be set to null. For values of an array type, the configuration field will be replaced with the supplied items in the array. When a service’s configuration is updated, the existing service will be removed, and a new service will be created with the updated configuration by the framework.
Figure 4. Console Services

Shared Configs

If the application supports sharedConfigs, this tab will be visible for the users, to see details of configured sharedConfig and add one, if required.

Figure 5. Console SharedConfigs