Gateway Framework user guide

Version: 2.0.0

Diffusion Java SDK version: 6.10.4

Publish date: 20-05-2024

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The Gateway Framework 2.0 requires the Diffusion server to have a maximum message size configured to be larger than 32k. Therefore, the server needs to be configured with a larger message size limit, or a Diffusion server 6.11 onwards should be used, which has a default max-message-size of 256k.
To configure the server, update the etc/Server.xml file to include the following line:

About Diffusion Gateway Framework

Release 6.9 of Diffusion provides support for the new Diffusion Gateway Framework, which is released as a separate product.

The Gateway Framework is an easy-to-use framework for creating Java applications that integrate back-end data sources or any external system with Diffusion.

Normally, to write an application to publish and subscribe to Diffusion topics, developers use the Diffusion client SDKs which involves a significant understanding of Diffusion concepts and usage of the API. APIs used for Diffusion related features like connecting to the server, publication and subscription to Diffusion topics, Diffusion session management and general application management is the same in different Diffusion applications written by different developers.

The Gateway Framework aggregates all such commonalities and provides a 'low code' solution to integration, where the application developer only needs to concentrate on the interactions with the external systems, publish data to Diffusion topics or to consume data from Diffusion topics.

In addition, the Gateway Framework is fully integrated with the Diffusion management console, allowing applications to be managed and monitored from the console. This includes the ability to dynamically change the configuration, and thus the functionality of the application directly from the console at runtime. From Diffusion 6.10 users can also manage Gateway applications using a REST API. Please refer to the Diffusion manual for more details.

The framework also provides out of the box support for high availability of Gateway applications in production environments. More details can be found here.

The Diffusion Gateway Framework is built on top of the Diffusion Java Client. It has a Java API which allows developers to write an application by implementing just a few supplied interfaces.



  • Gateway application: An application created using the Gateway Framework.

  • Developer: A coder/developer who uses the Gateway Framework to create Gateway applications.

  • User: A Gateway application user, who is responsible for configuring and/or deploying and managing a Gateway application.

About this document

This document is intended for Gateway application developers and users. It is divided into two sections.

The Gateway Application section defines concepts and details about features that are supported out of the box by a Gateway application. It defines how to use a Gateway application. This section is relevant for both developers and users.

The Writing a Gateway Application section defines how to write a Gateway application. It explains how to support Gateway features in the application. This section is relevant for developers.

If you are accessing this document bundled together with the framework artefacts, please refer to the online version of the same document for its latest version.
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