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Other considerations when running the Diffusion server inside of a third-party web application server

Diffusion™ can run as a Java™ servlet inside any Java application server.

Apache™ Mod Proxy installation

Apache Mod Proxy can be used to forward HTTP requests from an Apache web server to Diffusion . It does not support persistent connections or WebSocket so the WebSocket connections do not work. Make sure that you include the following into the Apache configuration file (Virtual host setting).

ProxyPass /diffusion/ http://localhost:8080/diffusion/

For more information, see the Apache Mod Proxy documentation.

Apache AJP13 Installation

Apache AJP can be used to forward requests from an Apache web server to Tomcat™ . In the Apache virtual host configuration, mount the path

JkMount /diffusion/*dfnjetty

Workers definition file

worker.dfnjetty.host=(host IP)

A connector that handles the AJP/1.3 protocol is needed running on port 8009 (because of the Workers file described above). See the Tomcat documentation for more information on this.

IIS Installation

Use an ISAPI_Rewrite tool. For example, http://www.helicontech.com/isapi_rewrite

The rewrite rule is as follows:

RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^diffusion/ http://localhost:8080/diffusion/ [p]
Diffusion home directory

The servlet container must be aware of Diffusion . Add the path to the directory that contains the Diffusion JAR file to the Java VM arguments that you use to start the servlet container.
