Expand CollapseJust a second... Log messages The Diffusion™ server outputs log messages. Each log message contains an ID, a message, and a description. PUSH-000005 Exception from JMS provider '{}'. PUSH-000017 Unable to create a subscription to '{}', exception is {}. PUSH-000024 Mime extension '{}' was already mapped to '{}' : overwriting map with '{}'. PUSH-000046 {} {} [principal={}, connector={}, ip={}] closed - {}. {}. PUSH-000047 {} {} [principal={}, connector={}, ip={}] closed - {}. {}. PUSH-000056 {} licence hard limit ({}) breached, connection rejected{}. PUSH-000065 Failure processing message from server. PUSH-000072 Connector '{}' started, listening on {}. PUSH-000074 Connector '{}' received an HTTP connection but does not support HTTP. PUSH-000075 Unable to start connector '{}'. PUSH-000076 Unable to start connector '{}', permission denied. PUSH-000077 HTTP Method '{}' is not supported in request from '{}'. Request: '{}'. PUSH-000080 Connector '{}' only supports SSL connections. Rejecting non-SSL connection from '{}'. PUSH-000081 Connector '{}' rejected connection from '{}' due to SSL handshake failure: {}. PUSH-000082 Connector '{}' does not support SSL. Rejecting SSL connection from '{}'. PUSH-000085 Connector '{}' failed to allocate input buffer of configured size ({}); allocated {}. PUSH-000086 Connector '{}' failed to allocate output buffer of configured size ({}); allocated {}. PUSH-000087 Connector '{}' received an unidentified connection request [{}] from {}. PUSH-000151 Unable to get JMX MBean attribute. PUSH-000152 Unable to load shutdown hook class '{}': {}. PUSH-000153 Unable to load startup hook class '{}': {}. PUSH-000154 The JVM has been signalled to shut down. PUSH-000155 No connectors have been configured. Creating a default client connector listening on port {} and a default high volume connector listening on port {}. PUSH-000158 No thread pools configured. Created new pool definition called '{}'. PUSH-000159 The maximum message size is {} bytes. PUSH-000160 No inbound pool has been configured - using '{}'. PUSH-000162 Running shutdown hook '{}'. PUSH-000163 Running startup hook '{}'. PUSH-000164 Diffusion server not started. PUSH-000165 Diffusion server started. PUSH-000166 Diffusion server '{}' starting. PUSH-000167 Diffusion stopped. PUSH-000168 Diffusion stopping, reason='{}' by administrator='{}'. PUSH-000169 Diffusion - stopping connectors. PUSH-000173 Exception notifying '{}' of '{}'. PUSH-000174 Unable to submit event '{}' to '{}' for execution. PUSH-000183 Message channel '{}' closed - {}. PUSH-000185 Failed to accept connection on connector '{}'. PUSH-000188 Shutting down selector '{}' due to fatal error. PUSH-000191 Connector '{}' is unable to accept connection: {}. PUSH-000193 Connector '{}' has loaded a TLS keystore from '{}'. PUSH-000195 JMX: Cannot register object '{}' at MBean ObjectName '{}'. PUSH-000199 Licence is not valid for this version of Diffusion (licence='{}' vs '{}'). PUSH-000201 {} licence soft limit ({}) exceeded. Hard limit at {} connections{}. PUSH-000202 Product licence expires in {} day(s). PUSH-000203 Licence has expired. PUSH-000206 Licensor stopping Diffusion. Invalid licence. PUSH-000214 Invalid JMX credentials. PUSH-000215 Remote JMX management service is disabled. PUSH-000216 Remote JMX management service has started. Listening to {}. PUSH-000226 Multiplexer error while processing client {}. PUSH-000227 Sending event to multiplexer '{}' delayed as the event queue size is full. PUSH-000228 Sending event to multiplexer '{}' is significantly delayed as the event queue is full. PUSH-000229 Error while handling a multiplexer event. PUSH-000230 Failed to schedule event. PUSH-000231 Long multiplexer cycle [cycle {}: processed {} events in {} ms; processed {} network operations in {} ms]. PUSH-000233 Multiplexer '{}' started. PUSH-000298 No queue definitions configured : Adding {}. PUSH-000301 Default queue definition {} does not exist. '{}' used. PUSH-000302 Default queue definition not configured. '{}' used. PUSH-000303 Queue definition '{}' not known - using default. PUSH-000310 Method '{}' from Diffusion servlet called, not being processed. PUSH-000311 Diffusion servlet: {}. PUSH-000316 Failed to update statistics file '{}'. PUSH-000335 Uncaught exception in thread '{}'. PUSH-000337 Added file service virtual host '{}' to serve files from '{}' to requests where the host header matches '{}'. PUSH-000338 Unable to process alias entry in file '{}': {}. PUSH-000351 {}: Connection rejected as request was missing the HTTP header field '{}'. PUSH-000352 {}: Connection rejected as [{}] did not match '{}'. PUSH-000353 {}: Connection rejected as [{}] did not match '{}'. PUSH-000354 {}: cors-origin not defined or invalid. Aborting request. PUSH-000355 {} unable to process HTTP Request '{}'. PUSH-000356 Client service {}: HTTP processing error on connector '{}'. PUSH-000357 {}: Invalid regular expression '{}' for CORS origin '{}' - feature disabled. PUSH-000359 Poll request for client {} from '{}' failed because no matching client session can be found. The client session might have been closed previously. Poll request will be ignored. PUSH-000360 Not adding file service virtual host '{}' to serve files from '{}' to requests where the host header matches '{}' as it is not a directory. PUSH-000361 Unable to service HTTP request for service '{}'. PUSH-000362 Started HTTP service for '{}'. PUSH-000364 Web server {} failed to instantiate HTTP service '{}' : {}. PUSH-000366 Virtual host HTTP request {} is invalid. PUSH-000367 Virtual Host HTTP request {} - unable to read file {}. PUSH-000372 Unable to load GeoIP Database '{}'. PUSH-000376 Deprecated element '{}' found in {}.xml. PUSH-000380 Failed to parse {} at line {}, column {}: {}. PUSH-000381 Loaded XML {} properties from '{}'. PUSH-000386 Failed to load connection validation policy {} from {}. PUSH-000396 Unable to perform substitution within property value '{}' due to syntax error. PUSH-000406 Application handler threw exception. [cid={}]. PUSH-000412 Executor {}: task finished abnormally. PUSH-000415 Received request from client {} to close client {}. PUSH-000416 Received request from client {} to close client {}. The client session does not exist. PUSH-000420 One or more clients have registered to handle queue events, but none was available for a {} event for client {}. PUSH-000421 Received request from client {} to set conflation for client {} to '{}'. PUSH-000422 Received request from client {} to set conflation for client {} to '{}'. The client session does not exist. PUSH-000426 {}: command service call failed, reporting error to {}: {} {}. PUSH-000430 There are currently no controllers for {}. PUSH-000431 Rejected attempt by session {} to bind a control handler: {}. PUSH-000432 Attempt by session {} to register or unregister from an unknown control point: {}. PUSH-000435 Task failure in selector thread '{}'. PUSH-000439 The authentication manager failed to start because an authentication handler of class {} could not be created. PUSH-000440 Authentication handler {} threw an exception, denying authentication to {}. PUSH-000444 Unable to read aliases file '{}'. PUSH-000457 Service threads ({} multiplexer, {} selector) exceed the number of available CPU cores ({}). PUSH-000458 Application classpath entry '{}' in is not a directory. Check user libraries in the server configuration. PUSH-000460 Class loader failed to enumerate files in directory '{}'. PUSH-000461 Unable to add file '{}' to the class loader. PUSH-000462 Multiplexer '{}' overflowed before start up - event discarded. PUSH-000464 Update failed for {} topic '{}' [data type={}]: {}. PUSH-000465 Connector '{}' has pings disabled. Unresponsive HTTP polling clients will not be detected. PUSH-000467 Unable to establish a tunnel through the proxy at {}:{}. PUSH-000468 Topic stream '{}' threw exception. PUSH-000469 Failure to forward message from {} to {} for message path '{}'. PUSH-000470 The server failed to forward a message from {} to unknown session {} for message path '{}'. PUSH-000472 Service call to server from session {} failed: {}. PUSH-000473 Service call to client {} failed: {}. PUSH-000474 Failed to deliver missing topic notification for subscription or fetch to selector '{}' by session '{}'. PUSH-000475 The '{}' secret key encryption algorithm is not available. PUSH-000476 No authentication handlers are configured. All sessions will be anonymous. PUSH-000477 Configurations that specify only control authentication handlers are invalid. PUSH-000478 "{}" at line {} column {}. PUSH-000479 Recovery of {} after a write error failed - store must be manually recovered from backup. PUSH-000480 Recovery of "{}" required as backup "{}" exists. PUSH-000481 Errors detected while parsing {} file "{}". PUSH-000482 Error reading persistent store file "{}". PUSH-000483 Failure writing to the {} file {}. PUSH-000490 Session error handler {} threw an exception. PUSH-000491 Session listener {} threw an exception. PUSH-000495 Will {} for session {} found no topics below the branch. PUSH-000498 Connector '{}' has received data on {} that has not come from a proxy. PUSH-000503 A blocking operation failed because the multiplexers failed to process it within {} milliseconds. PUSH-000506 Flow control pressure {}%. PUSH-000507 Flow control off. PUSH-000510 Unable to rotate metrics file '{}'. PUSH-000511 Unable to write metrics to file '{}'. PUSH-000512 Session property {} not allowed. PUSH-000515 Cannot place JMS session to provider {}. PUSH-000516 Cannot publish message to topic {}. PUSH-000518 Connected to JMS provider '{}'. PUSH-000520 Exception closing JMS Connection to {}. PUSH-000528 Connected to JMS provider {} v{}, JMS {}. PUSH-000532 Failed to initialise Diffusion client. PUSH-000536 Fan-out connection '{}' to primary server at '{}' has failed ({}). PUSH-000537 Fan-out connection '{}' (session {}) to primary server at '{}' has been lost. PUSH-000538 Fan-out connection '{}' will attempt to connect to '{}' again every {} milliseconds. PUSH-000539 Fan-out connection '{}' (session {}) - unexpected session error : '{}'. PUSH-000543 Fan-out started. PUSH-000544 Fan-out link '{}' failed to create replicated topic '{}'. PUSH-000546 Fan-out update of topic '{}' by '{}' has failed with '{}'. PUSH-000547 Failed to close selector '{}'. PUSH-000548 Failed to interrupt thread for selector '{}'. PUSH-000549 Stopping selector thread '{}'. PUSH-000552 Remote JMX management service could not be started. PUSH-000553 Multiplexer blocked because it has a maximum-sized batch of {} notifications to deliver to the publisher(s). PUSH-000554 Delayed dispatch of {} notifications because the notification queue is full. PUSH-000555 Closing '{}' because the session failed to consume messages fast enough and a {} byte message breached its {} queue limit. Queue details: {}. PUSH-000564 Fan-out connection '{}' has established session '{}' with primary server at '{}'. PUSH-000566 Daily statistics have been written in the ConnectionCount file. PUSH-000567 Memory to calculate delta message exceeds limit of {} bytes - the full message will be used. PUSH-000571 Failed to start required connector, '{}'. PUSH-000572 Fan-out connection '{}' is removing topics '{}'. PUSH-000575 HTTP poll rejected - Invalid message channel '{}' cannot be cast to HTTPMessageChannel. PUSH-000576 A third-party SLF4J logger has been configured in place of the Log4j 2. PUSH-000578 {} {} "{}" - Build #{}, {}, {} {} {}. PUSH-000581 Client service {}: Unrecognised HTTP request received on connector '{}' from address '{}'. Request: {}. PUSH-000587 The value of {} ms configured for '{}' is excessive and has been limited to {} ms. PUSH-000588 The connection activity monitor has detected that the connection '{}' has been idle and it has been closed, attempting to recover. PUSH-000589 SSL channel {} was closed with data still pending. PUSH-000590 Host JVM/JDK failed to provide an expected feature {}. PUSH-000592 Sending {} message(s) of {} bytes to {} was delayed by {} ms. PUSH-000596 Unable to look up session by token in the data grid. PUSH-000597 Unable to recover the session {} from the data grid. PUSH-000598 Unable to remove sessions from the data grid. PUSH-000599 Unable to remove session {} from the data grid. PUSH-000600 Unable to store session {} in the data grid. PUSH-000601 Failed to replicate change to session {}. PUSH-000602 Unable to replicate change to session principal, properties or subscription level for session {}. The session could not be found. PUSH-000603 Unable to replicate change to topic selections for session {}. PUSH-000604 Suppressed {} further {} messages. PUSH-000605 An error occurred while stopping the remote JMX management service. PUSH-000608 Validation failed for connection {}. PUSH-000609 Reconnection aborted because server did not receive {} messages from {}. PUSH-000610 Reconnection aborted because {} messages sent by the server were not received by {}. PUSH-000611 Unable to complete reconnection, recovery failed for unknown session {}. PUSH-000613 {} reconnected, but messages may have been lost. PUSH-000617 Connection attempt from {} to {} (connector '{}') rejected because it did not complete within the configured timeout of {} ms. PUSH-000618 Input queue for inbound thread '{}' of size {} overflowed due to large number of connections. Risk of deadlock. PUSH-000621 {} {} [principal={}, connector={}, ip={}] closed - {} - {}. {}. PUSH-000622 Unsupported service {} requested by peer {}. PUSH-000623 Fan-out connection '{}' (session {}) lost - attempting reconnection. PUSH-000624 Connection from {} to {} (connector '{}') closed ({}). PUSH-000627 Failed to redeliver missing topic notification for subscription or fetch to selector '{}' by session '{}' after {} attempts. PUSH-000628 Handler {} callback method threw an exception. PUSH-000631 Fan-out connection '{}' could not propagate missing topic notification for subscription or fetch to selector '{}' by session '{}' because there is no connection to primary server at '{}'. PUSH-000632 Fan-out connection '{}' failed to propagate missing topic notification for subscription or fetch to selector '{}' by session '{}' to primary server at '{}'. PUSH-000633 Failed to redeliver missing topic notification for subscription or fetch to selector '{}' by session '{}' because there is no longer a suitable registered handler. PUSH-000634 '{}': reconnect attempt failed: {}. PUSH-000635 '{}': reconnection rejected by server: {}. PUSH-000636 '{}': reconnection failed due to timeout. PUSH-000638 The '{}' file cannot be found. PUSH-000642 Allocating larger buffer to accommodate a message larger than the default configured input buffer size. The new buffer size is {}. Consider increasing the input buffer size for channel {}. PUSH-000643 Request {} callback method threw an exception. PUSH-000644 Completed diagnostic report to {}. PUSH-000645 Failed to write diagnostic report to {}. PUSH-000646 Starting diagnostic report to {}. PUSH-000648 Cluster member {} is connected to this server. PUSH-000649 Failed to connect to cluster member {}. PUSH-000650 Cluster member {} is disconnected from this server{}. PUSH-000651 Cluster member {} joined the cluster. PUSH-000652 Cluster member {} left the cluster. PUSH-000655 {} reconnected, and messages were recovered successfully. PUSH-000656 Unable to start connector '{}' on port {}, address already in use. PUSH-000657 Session{} failed to register or unregister a control handler: {}. PUSH-000658 Fan-out connection '{}' {}. PUSH-000659 Fan-out connection '{}' request to change from {} to {} but current state is {}. PUSH-000660 Fan-out link '{}' failed to start. PUSH-000661 Fan-out link '{}' {}. PUSH-000663 Fan-out link '{}' subscription has failed : {}. PUSH-000664 Unhandled network processing failure during read '{}:'. PUSH-000666 Failed to apply delta for topic cache entry: {}. PUSH-000667 Failed to convert value to {} for topic '{}'. PUSH-000668 Delta received before value for topic cache entry: {}. PUSH-000670 Received request from session {} to change session properties for session {}. The client session does not exist. PUSH-000671 A message received from another server in the cluster [{}] could not be parsed: {}. PUSH-000673 Fan-out link '{}' failed to create replicated topic '{}' because the topic already exists and can not be removed. PUSH-000674 HTTP send failed for session {} - the message channel was already closed. PUSH-000675 {} was lost: {}. PUSH-000676 This system has {} available cores which exceeds the licence limit of {} cores. The server multiplexers have been limited to reflect this. PUSH-000677 A request of datatype '{}' received on path '{}' is incompatible with request handler/stream '{}'. PUSH-000679 Persistence restore failed to restore topic '{}'. PUSH-000680 Persistence restore failed to apply record {} to topic '{}'. PUSH-000681 '{}': connection failed and reconnect was not enabled. PUSH-000682 {} {} [principal={}, connector={}, ip={}] closed - {}. This is due to the session failing to respond to a ping from the server. PUSH-000683 Received corrupt topic replication data from cluster peer {} for partition {}. PUSH-000684 Filter callback '{}' threw an exception. PUSH-000685 Exception whilst handling the request. PUSH-000686 Failed to convert value to {} received on path '{}' for request handler/stream '{}'. PUSH-000689 Deprecated attribute '{}' found on element {} in {}.xml. PUSH-000691 A partition of the cluster log could not be compacted. PUSH-000692 A partition of the cluster log could not be recovered. The compacted log contains errors. PUSH-000693 Request to the Kubernetes API failed. PUSH-000694 Finding Hazelcast endpoints from Kubernetes registry at {}. PUSH-000695 Found {} Kubernetes endpoints running Hazelcast, {}. PUSH-000696 Feature '{}' is not licensed. PUSH-000697 Atomic move of persistence file {} to {} could not be performed. A non-atomic move will be attempted. PUSH-000698 File persistence compaction has failed. Compaction disabled. PUSH-000699 File persistence logging has failed. Topic persistence logging has been disabled. Recovery required. PUSH-000700 The file persistence service has successfully completed restore of topics. PUSH-000701 The file persistence service has failed whilst restoring topics. PUSH-000702 The file persistence service is restoring topics from {}. PUSH-000703 Failed to handle Prometheus instrumentation request. PUSH-000709 The replication configuration does not specify a connector for connections between servers in the cluster. Using the connector '{}'. PUSH-000710 Did not find any Kubernetes endpoints, will retry in {}ms. PUSH-000711 Failed to add a topic because the number of topics would exceed the licence limit of {}. PUSH-000712 Connector '{}' has scheduled pings every {}ms. PUSH-000714 There was a problem with the cluster log and Diffusion failed to write out records to the dump file {}. PUSH-000715 A request to {} failed. See the log for more information. PUSH-000716 Fan-out connection '{}' session '{}' changed from '{}' to '{}'. PUSH-000717 Failed to delete persistence temporary directory {}. PUSH-000718 The server is not licensed to accept connections from remote servers. PUSH-000719 {} could not be logged to cluster partition {}. PUSH-000720 Unsupported Log4j configuration. Logging may not be cleanly shut down on exit. PUSH-000732 Failed to update the licence cluster pool statistics. PUSH-000733 The file persistence service has failed to secure invalid files - manual recovery required. PUSH-000734 The file persistence service has failed to restore from existing files and has moved all old files to {}. These files will need to be manually deleted. PUSH-000740 {}. PUSH-000743 Unable to bind outbound connection to local address {}. PUSH-000744 The selector thread pool {} specified for connector {} was not found. Using default selector thread pool. PUSH-000747 Replacing loaded licence [{}] with new licence from '{}'. PUSH-000749 The server is waiting for the cluster to reach a quorum of {} servers. PUSH-000750 The cluster is small enough for the quorum to mitigate split-brain. The cluster can't be divided into smaller clusters where more than one cluster can satisfy the quorum. PUSH-000751 The cluster is too large to completely mitigate split-brain. It is possible to divide the cluster into multiple clusters that satisfy the quorum requirements. The cluster has {} servers, should be less than {}. PUSH-000752 The cluster this server is in has lost enough members to lose the quorum. This server will shut down. PUSH-000753 The cluster has enough members to satisfy the quorum. PUSH-000754 Failed to satisfy the quorum within the timeout. Not enough servers joined the cluster to satisfy the quorum. The server is shutting down without completing start up. PUSH-000755 Record topic compatibility mode is enabled. PUSH-000756 Failed to add topic "{}" - REMOVAL property "{}" parse failure "{}". PUSH-000758 Topic removal for topic '{}' failed with {} : {}. PUSH-000759 Removing topics matching '{}' due to topic removal policy of topic '{}' created by '{}'. PUSH-000760 Removing topic '{}' created by '{}' due to its topic removal policy. PUSH-000761 Default web server '{}' created. PUSH-000763 Received request from session {} to change session authorisation roles for session {}. The client session does not exist. PUSH-000765 Configured fan-out connection with url '{}' has no name. The name will default to the url. PUSH-000766 Configured fan-out link for connection '{}' with selector '{}' has no name. The name will default to the selector string. PUSH-000767 This server is licensed to {}. Licence ID {}. PUSH-000768 The licence file ({}) has been removed. You should replace it with a valid licence, otherwise you will be unable to restart the server. PUSH-000769 The server has no IP address that satisfies the licence constraint: {}. PUSH-000770 The server has no MAC address that satisfies the licence constraint: {}. PUSH-000771 The licence file ({}) could not be loaded ({}). You should replace the file with a valid licence, otherwise you will be unable to restart the server. PUSH-000772 Licence check failed: unable to resolve server network addresses. PUSH-000773 Multiplexer {} is making slow progress on cycle {}. {} events processed, {} on queue. Recent history [time:+cycles,+idle cycles,+events,+network operations,queue]: {}. PUSH-000775 Authentication handler has specified an invalid $Roles property value : {}. PUSH-000776 The serialised object {} failed to restore. PUSH-000777 To prevent potential deadlock, a CompletableFuture has completed exceptionally because a get() or join() method was called from a Diffusion-managed thread. PUSH-000778 {} failed to add the topic reference with path '{}'. PUSH-000779 Event diagnostic recording will now finish at {} ({} milliseconds from now). PUSH-000780 Event diagnostic recording for preceding {} milliseconds. Event type,count,total time (ns),average time (ns) {} PUSH-000781 Recording event diagnostics until {} ({} milliseconds from now). PUSH-000782 Restore of {} from file failed. PUSH-000783 Store file '{}' needs recovery : backup file is '{}'. PUSH-000784 Terminal failure during the periodic compaction of persistence store '{}' : backup file saved in '{}'. PUSH-000785 Failure in periodic compaction of persistence store '{}'. PUSH-000786 Failure to read from persistent store file '{}'. PUSH-000787 Failure to write to persistent store file '{}' and its state is unknown : Recovery file is '{}'. PUSH-000790 Topic persistence is enabled. PUSH-000791 Session replication is enabled. PUSH-000792 Topic replication is enabled for all but : {}. PUSH-000793 Topic replication is enabled for : {}. PUSH-000794 Multiplexer {} is very busy. No idle cycles for {} periods of {} ms. Current [cycles,+idle cycles,+events,+network operations,queue]: {}. Recent history [time:+cycles,+idle cycles,+events,+network operations,queue]: {}. PUSH-000795 Configuration replication is enabled. PUSH-000796 Topic replication is enabled. PUSH-000797 Failed to read attribute '{}' of MBean '{}'. PUSH-000801 Connector '{}' stopped. PUSH-000802 Connector '{}' will be started when the following start conditions are satisfied: {}. PUSH-000803 Starting connector '{}' now start conditions are satisfied: {}. PUSH-000805 The file service is serving files at http://{}:{} . PUSH-000806 The file service is serving files at https://{}:{} . PUSH-000807 {} delta quality from {} to {} (thread is {}% busy performing delta calculations). PUSH-000808 JMX has loaded a TLS keystore from '{}'. PUSH-000809 Remote server '{}' connected (session '{}') to server at '{}'. PUSH-000810 Remote server '{}' connection to server at '{}' has failed ({}). PUSH-000811 Remote server connection '{}' (session {}) to server at '{}' has been lost. PUSH-000812 Remote server '{}' state changed from {} to {}. PUSH-000813 Remote server '{}' (session {}) lost - attempting reconnection. PUSH-000814 Remote server '{}' will attempt to connect to '{}' again every {} milliseconds. PUSH-000815 Remote server '{}' (session {}) - unexpected session error : '{}'. PUSH-000816 Remote server '{}' session '{}' changed from '{}' to '{}'. PUSH-000817 Upgraded security store from language version {} to version {}. PUSH-000818 Invalid JSON/CBOR value presented to topic '{}' - null value assumed. PUSH-000819 IO error removing the delay queue file {}. PUSH-000820 IO error reading from or writing to a topic view delay buffer [{}]. Delayed topic views will not function properly until the server is restarted. PUSH-000821 Invalid HTTP send received for session {} - '{}' is not a long polling message channel. PUSH-000822 Remote Server '{}' subscription has failed : {}. PUSH-000823 Remote server connection '{}' changed from '{}' to '{}'. PUSH-000824 {} of {} could not be logged to cluster partition {}. PUSH-000825 {} failed to queue delayed removal of {}. The topic reference will be removed immediately. PUSH-000826 {} failed to queue delayed update of {}. The topic reference will be removed immediately. PUSH-000827 Invalid value for topic {} dumped to file {}. PUSH-000828 Invalid value for topic {} could not be dumped to file. PUSH-000829 Connector '{}' rejected connection from a {} because the server has not yet recovered shared configuration from the cluster. PUSH-000830 An empty licence file ({}) has been received. The licence has not been changed. PUSH-000831 {} failed to queue delayed addition of {}. PUSH-000832 An unknown error occurred when replacing the licence file {}, with error {}. PUSH-000833 The licence file ({}) could not be verified ({}). The licence has not been updated. PUSH-000834 The server has restored shared configuration from the cluster. PUSH-000835 The server has restored replicated topics from the cluster. PUSH-000836 Remote server connection from server '{}' to itself rejected. PUSH-000837 The security store file "{}" is read only. PUSH-000838 The security store file "{}" is writable. PUSH-000839 The new licence changes the enabled product features from {} to {}. Restart the server so the licence takes effect. PUSH-000840 Replacing loaded licence [{}]. PUSH-000841 Insert operation for topic view '{}' failed with invalid array index '{}'. PUSH-000842 Insert operation for topic view '{}' failed because parent element not found for '{}'. PUSH-000843 Topic {}, state {} cannot have delta applied by {}. PUSH-000844 Topic {}, state {} cannot be updated by {}. PUSH-000845 Persistence restore did not restore topic '{}' as it was an obsolete topic type. PUSH-000847 The {} protocol is disabled for connector '{}'. Rejecting connection request from {}. PUSH-000848 Ignoring the 'No Local' option set in MQTT subscription from {}. PUSH-000849 Ignoring the {} property set in MQTT {} from {}. PUSH-000850 Invalid MQTT topic filter '{}' ({}) received from {}. PUSH-000851 Rejecting MQTT connection request containing Will Message from {}. PUSH-000852 Rejecting MQTT connection with unsupported protocol version {} from {}. PUSH-000853 Failed to convert value of {} topic {} to UTF-8. MQTT subscribers will be sent a binary value instead. PUSH-000854 Closing MQTT session {} as session {} has been opened with the same client identifier ({}). PUSH-000855 Unexpected failure while checking server {} for MQTT sessions with the same client identifier ({}). PUSH-000856 MQTT session {} has the same client identifier ({}) as a newly opened session {} but won't be closed because it was authenticated with a different principal. PUSH-000857 The deprecated service {} was called by {}. The service was deprecated in version {}. Remove the use of deprecated APIs from client applications so they remain compatible with future server versions. PUSH-000858 The deprecated service {} was used to call {}. The service was deprecated in version {}. Remove the use of deprecated APIs from client applications so they remain compatible with future server versions. PUSH-000859 Failed to evaluate difference between values of length {} bytes and {} bytes with limit {}. PUSH-000860 Failed to interrupt multiplexer {}. PUSH-000861 Rejected unexpected connection attempt from {}. Check cluster members are configured with unique network addresses. PUSH-000862 A missing topic notification for subscription or fetch to selector '{}' by session '{}' timed out. PUSH-000863 Failed to convert MQTT payload received for {} topic {} due to data format error: {}. PUSH-000864 Invalid property mappings in topic view '{}' prevents topic '{}' from being selected by view. PUSH-000865 {} PUSH-000866 Journal {} enabled. PUSH-000867 Journaling status file: '{}' not found, cannot load configuration. PUSH-000868 Cannot load journaling status file: '{}' due to an exception. PUSH-000869 Remote server connection '{}' could not propagate missing topic notification for subscription to selector '{}' by session '{}' because there is no connection to the primary server. PUSH-000870 Remote server connection '{}' failed to propagate missing topic notification for subscription to selector '{}' by session '{}'. PUSH-000871 Journal enabled with formatter: '{}', actions configured to be journaled: {}. PUSH-000872 Unexpected multiplexer failure. {}. PUSH-000874 Selector set optimisation could not be applied to {}. Consider running with --add-opens java.base/sun.nio.ch=ALL-UNNAMED. PUSH-000875 The file persistence service has failed to complete a full topic restore. PUSH-000876 Session connection failed : Retrying {} times at interval of {} milliseconds. PUSH-000877 Session connection failed : Retrying indefinitely at interval of {} milliseconds. PUSH-000878 Session connection retry {} failed : Waiting {} milliseconds before next retry. PUSH-000879 Failed to claim cluster partition {}. PUSH-000880 Requesting credentials for '{}' from '{}' failed. PUSH-000881 Primary initiator remote server '{}' attempting connection to secondary server at '{}'. PUSH-000882 The current server has become the master for the initiation of primary initiator remote server connections. PUSH-000883 Primary initiator remote server '{}' failed to connect to secondary server at '{}' : '{}'. PUSH-000884 Primary initiator remote server '{}' has received secondary handshake from client '{}' which has either timed out or is an invalid request. PUSH-000885 Primary initiator remote server '{}' has successfully completed connection to secondary server at '{}'. PUSH-000886 Primary initiator remote server '{}' has lost connection to '{}' with session id '{}'. PUSH-000887 Primary initiator remote server '{}' is disabled as connector '{}' does not exist. PUSH-000888 The current server is no longer the master for the initiation of primary initiator remote server connections. PUSH-000889 Primary initiator remote server '{}' will retry in {} milliseconds. PUSH-000890 Secondary acceptor remote server '{}' received connection request from a primary but it is closed. PUSH-000891 Secondary acceptor remote server '{}' has successfully established a session with primary server with host name '{}'. PUSH-000892 Secondary acceptor remote server '{}' establishing session with primary server with host name '{}'. PUSH-000893 Secondary acceptor remote server '{}' received a new connection request from a primary which supersedes session '{}' which will now be closed. PUSH-000894 Remote server connection from a primary server rejected because there is no secondary acceptor with a matching name of '{}'. PUSH-000895 Failed to recover partition {}. PUSH-000896 Persistence topic record {} specification is incompatible with existing topic {} - Automatically recovered. PUSH-000897 No topic entry found in persistence file for key '{}' - possible persistence file corruption automatically corrected. PUSH-000898 No topic entry found in persistence file for key '{}' relating to path '{}' - possible persistence file corruption automatically corrected. PUSH-000899 Topic record '{}' in the persistence file specifies an unknown topic specification. This may be due to a previous persistence file corruption. The topic has not been restored. PUSH-000900 Topic update record with topic key '{}' in the persistence file specifies an unknown topic. This may be due to a previous persistence file corruption. The update has not been applied. PUSH-000901 Persistence file has a topic specification with legacy topic type {}. Topics referencing this specification will not be restored. PUSH-000902 Error occurred when fetching REST response. PUSH-000903 Failed to return response for REST call to {} endpoint. PUSH-000904 Topic view {} used to map a single value topic to a time series topic : Events in the time series topic will not be restored after a server restart. PUSH-000905 Session event listener deregistered for {}. PUSH-000906 Session event listener for {} deregistered with peer {}. PUSH-000907 Session event listener connection for {} to peer {} has failed : {}. PUSH-000908 Session event listener registered for {}. PUSH-000909 Session event listener for {} registered with peer {}. PUSH-000910 Peer session event listener deregistered for {}. PUSH-000911 Peer session event listener registered for {}. PUSH-000912 Session event listener connection to peer server {} previously had sessions for which the outcome is unknown - the following sessions are assumed to be closed : {}. PUSH-000913 Topic view {} attempting to read topic {} but the topic is not JSON or TIME_SERIES<json>. PUSH-000914 Topic view {} attempting to read topic {} but the topic does not exist. PUSH-000915 Topic view {} attempting to read topic {} but has insufficient permissions. PUSH-000916 A failure has occurred obtaining the files in the active usage directory. PUSH-000917 Usage file '{}' has been archived. PUSH-000918 Failed to move usage file '{}' to the archive directory. PUSH-000919 Usage file '{}' has been created. PUSH-000920 Failed to delete an empty usage file '{}' from the active directory. PUSH-000921 An invalid usage file '{}' has been found in the active usage directory. PUSH-000922 The usage file system failed to close tidily. PUSH-000923 Usage provider failed to send data to usage collector : {} cause {}. PUSH-000924 Usage provider session {} has reported error : {}. PUSH-000925 Usage provider has exceeded its grace period of {}. PUSH-000927 Failed to save {} snapshot. {}. PUSH-000928 {}. PUSH-000929 DEPRECATED FEATURE : Topic view {} was used to map a single value topic to a time series topic in a cluster: This will lead to inconsistent numbers of retained events and event metadata across the cluster and retained events will not be restored upon server restart. PUSH-000930 This Diffusion server will run and operate as a 'usage provider'. PUSH-000931 Usage provider snapshot cache is full. Older snapshots will be lost. PUSH-000932 Creation of topic '{}' has been denied because an identical topic exists that has a different creator. PUSH-000934 Usage provider connected to usage collector at '{}'. PUSH-000935 Usage provider connecting to usage collector at '{}'. PUSH-000936 Usage provider failed to connect to usage collector at '{}' - {}. PUSH-000937 Usage provider failed to connect to usage collector at '{}' - will try again in {}. PUSH-000938 Detected that Diffusion is running on Windows - changing the lock free default select timeout based upon the operating system. PUSH-000939 Failed to persist topic replication data received from cluster peer {} for partition {}. PUSH-000942 Broadcast of {} service call to cluster failed after {} retries. Related concepts Configuring log4j2 Configuring logging on the Diffusion server Related reference Logging Diffusion Journal Log4j2.xml Logging using another SLF4J implementation Parent topic: Logging